Registrations reserved for the Northern Hemisphere only
(Europa, Asia, Nord Africa e America del Centro-Nord)
The “International Competition FLOS OLEI” aims at enhancing the quality of extra virgin olive oil at international level, awarding prizes to the best products, spreading oil knowledge and thus contributing to its correct marketing. In particular the competition intends to:
- stimulate the workers of this field (olive growers, olive-press operators and packagers) to obtain a high-quality extra virgin olive oil, comparing the different world productions.
- enhance the knowledge and study of quality olive productions of any origin and inform about the profession of the expert taster of virgin and extra virgin olive oil, who is able to assess the excellence of every single product in compliance with E.C. and International regulations both individually and as a member of a panel.
- promote information about the health-giving and nutritional qualities (Mediterranean Diet) of quality extra virgin olive oil in the different fields of consumption (school canteens, cooking courses, wine bars, restaurants, importers, buyers, etc.).
The “International Competition FLOS OLEI” is open to:
- Olive growers producers
- Oil-Mills
- Social Oil-Mills and Co-operatives of producers
- Associations of producers
- Traders packagers
The selections sent to the competition must constitute the majority of the products marketed by the above-mentioned producers, in order to be representative of their identity. Participation in this International Competition is subject to acceptance of the Regulation and of the final assessment of a panel of expert tasters.
Extra virgin olive oil of any national and international origin will be admitted to the “International Competition FLOS OLEI” only if regular application (questionnaire) is sent by the established terms. The oil submitted must be packaged in bottles with trademark according to the law, while oil that is marketed loose will not be admitted.
The panel, coordinated by Marco Oreggia, is constituted by expert Italian and international tasters with COI certification, also enrolled in the National Registry of Technicians and Experts of Virgin and Extra Virgin Olive Oil. All expert tasters have to sign an Ethical Code. Expert tasters connected in any way with the participating farms are allowed to attend only during sessions concerning oil samples coming from other regions or countries, or as auditors.
The samples of extra virgin olive oil will be submitted to the panel, who will proceed to the organoleptic analysis following the COI method in an “open” way, referring their opinion to the coordinator, who will fill in a specific card for the assessment of the sensory profile. The assessment of the panel will be final and unappealable.
The cost of participation is proportional to the number of types of oil sent. It is not possible to select more than 10 types per company.
Download here: Regulation
This year it will be possible to complete the online questionnaire too. Those who have already participated in past editions could view and retrieve part of the data in our possession, reducing the registration work. The information will still be editable before sending. The link to the digital questionnaire will appear in the paid order confirmation once the online purchase is completed.
For those wishing to proceed as in the past, This year it will be possible to complete the online questionnaire. For those who have already participated in past editions, it will be possible to view and retrieve part of the data in our possession, reducing the registration work. The information will still be editable before sending. The link to the digital questionnaire will appear in the paid order confirmation once the online purchase is completed.
For those wishing to proceed as in the past the Competition Questionnaire in PDF is available here.