Flos Olei 2025
Flos Olei 2025

A guide to the world of extra virgin olive oil

A real journey around the world of quality extra virgin olive oil: this is Flos Olei 2025, the thirteenth edition of the guide unanimously considered the most important publication in the sector worldwide. 

A sort of olive growing atlas written in two languages, Italian-English, Italian-Spanish and Italian-Chinese, which reviews as many as 500 farms of excellence from 5 continents, for a total of 57 countries.

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Flos Olei App 2025

The Guide to the world of extra virgin olive oil also on your Smartphone

The first international guide to the best extra virgin olive oils in the world – realized in four languages, ITALIAN, ENGLISH, SPANISH and CHINESE.

You can wander 5 continents and 57 countries (including Spanish and Italian regions), read their historical and geographical introductions, find maps and statistical data about the world productions and refer to 500 high-quality farms and as many oils described according to their variety, organoleptic characteristics and the best matches.

You can get information about the farms included in the prestigious lists HALL OF FAME and THE BEST, the TOP farms and read about all the “MADE WITH LOVE” FARMS. You can also find the farms taking part in the project Flos Olei Point and buy the products with the label FLOS OLEI.

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Featured products
Flos Olei Beauty Kit

The new extra virgin olive oil beauty line

Ointment for the muscles of the wrestlers in antiquity, for millennia natural healing of wounds and burns, oil is today recognized – thanks to the presence of fatty acids, vitamins and minerals – as an excellent adjuvant to fight the aging phenomena and the desquamation of the skin and to attenuate the phenomena of dryness and redness.